"Your thoughts and emotions about food and eating will affect your body, mind, health and life. When we learn to eat with the energy of harmony, gratitude & peace rather than guilt, judgment or shame, the impact is undeniable. Becoming conscious of and healing your food story and body image are some of the greatest gifts that you can ever give to yourself."
- Nicolette Renata, MA, CEPC
Your energy, subconscious thoughts and feelings about yourself and your body are what's driving your relationship with food, and how we feed ourselves reflects how we feel about ourselves.
Your programmed beliefs influence your behavior, so changing your eating habits or committing to exercising often isn't enough to combat a disordered relationship with food. This is why we "fall off the wagon," fall into binge/restrict cycles, struggle with our appetite or become stressed around eating. Healing your relationship with food is a call to heal the subconscious parts of ourselves that learned to rely on food for comfort, distraction, pleasure or love... so it's not really even about the food.
We've heard it countless times: diet & exercise or eat less and move more.
This doesn't work for so many women because our current nutritional field is failing us in a massive way. Women try diet after diet, meal plans, pills, shakes, unhealthy detoxes, excessive workouts and continuously struggle with food, body image, motivation, will power and self-sabotage. Sure, we can force anything for a certain period of time, but at what expense? Is it worth taking measures that betray our soul?
Unfortunately this is happening more and more...
The reality is that we have been misled. We are taught to be hypervigilant with our calories, carbohydrates and fat grams. But the answer is not in counting macronutrients. That lifestyle is stressful and toxic, doesn't work for most women and contributes to disordered eating.
Here's the truth that the diet industry doesn't tell us --> 98% of diets fail.
They might initially give us results, a high or a sense of control, but they ultimately stress us out, make us feel tired, unfulfilled, deprived of pleasure, resentful and disconnected from our bodies...the very things that KEEP us struggling with weight, body image and food. This struggle ultimately costs us our peace and precious energy. It can prevent us from living a fulfilled life because we are constantly focused on what we are eating and how our body looks.
Yes, wanting a healthy lifestyle is wonderful, but there is a tipping point when it not only preoccupies our mind, but robs us of energy that could be used for so much more. It can be quite consuming and over time, diet mentality will erode our confidence. It might seem contradictory, because won't we be more confident if we like the way our body looks? Yes and no. Sure we might approve of our body more if we strive towards physical goals, however, the conditional admiration actually creates internal harm because our soul is unconditional and our body feels our judgment.
It is not synergistic with our true nature to place more value on our body if it looks a certain way. Yet, society will have us hungrily chasing random goals whether it is to be more slender, curvy, muscular, etc.
The "ideal" female body is constantly changing and scrutinized and is a distraction tactic or form of oppression that originates from the constructs of white, male "supremacy," racism, sexism, oppression, fat phobia, ableism, ageism, colorism, transphobia, etc. Essentially, the message is always one of not good enough and too many people buy into it, unintentionally.
These 'isms will have women focusing on their bodies their whole lives and wasting years or decades believing that they are not enough this or that or too much of something else. And that is a life wasted. True confidence does not come from our physique. It comes from learning, knowing and loving ourselves, unconditionally. But truly loving ourselves comes from also truly loving others, our planet, the animals and all sentient beings that share this life force with us. From this place we effortlessly gravitate towards a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable, nourishing, harmonious and fulfilling.
The good news is that we can break this cycle by forming a deeper connection with our bodies, establishing a new mindset and cultivating a new, loving relationship with food. What we are in need of is improving our Eating Intelligence®.
When we begin to really question what we eat and why we eat it, we will begin to break free from the limiting paradigm of current nutritional guidelines.
It is from this place that we attune to our soul's preferences, and that alignment will make eating healthy incredibly intuitive, simple and attainable.
Eating Intelligence® is the awareness and energy of our thoughts, feelings and behaviors regarding food, that impacts us on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Our relationship with food is lifelong, experiential, adaptable and is influenced by our upbringing, resources, culture, society, marketing, values, health and more. Increasing our Eating Intelligence (EI) is essentially achieved by expanding our consciousness around food as well as what/where/when/how/why we eat and who we are as eaters. Once we awaken to new way of viewing food and our bodies, we feel confident, grounded and secure navigating our food story in any context.
In other words...learning your body so you know what to eat, what works for you, embracing the journey and feeling content that you are eating optimally for
your unique, healthy lifestyle. The beauty of this is that the more we increase our Eating Intelligence the less we will worry, agonize or feel stressed around food.
It all becomes easy and peaceful!
When we learn to truly nourish ourselves, mind, body and soul, then being committed to healthy eating is effortless!
It is then that we are free from ever being on another diet again!
Have you lost weight only to sabotage yourself and gain it back?
If you have repeated this pattern for years or decades then.... we might be a perfect match. <3
Although, I have to tell you that if you want a "magic pill" then my programs are not for you. My programs are meant to give you freedom and peace around food for the rest of your life while maintaining a naturally healthy weight.
Being on the other side of dieting mentality is the most liberating, energizing, loving thing you will experience! If you feel any of this resonate with you, I wouldn't put it off any longer.
Your time can be now.
Real transformation is about learning to shift the energy of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs about food and ourselves. This is the way to feel great in your body, peaceful around food and end disordered eating for good.
Another diet is not the answer.
Our relationship with food actually reflects our relationship with life.
Why? Because eating is sacred, but we often don't really think about our food choices and the impact on our health, life and the planet.
We are not robots or machines and when we approach our body in this way, we betray it. We all are exposed to the outdated nutrition information and often it does more harm than good. It's not your fault.
If you find yourself struggling with binge eating, disordered eating, emotional eating, overeating or undereating, darling, you're being called to a new way of being....
not a new meal plan. It's about cultivating harmony with our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, behaviors and food choices.
likely it's because you have been dealing with unwanted eating habits for a while....you're not alone. Maybe you're an empath or highly sensitive and you don't feel okay in your body.
I have been through it too. Women benefit tremendously from community and support.
It's up to you to take action.... Healing your relationship with food is actually a beautiful process that nourishes you for life. It's a game changer.
And by the way, this isn't a will power game like we were led to believe...
about showing up for yourself. It's not selfish to take care of yourself, it's actually generous because your loved ones, your career, your life purpose and the world benefits when you truly show up for yourself and others.
Hiding from our light, our divine essence, creates so many problems. Knowing and embracing your True Self is the key to feeling balanced, happy and Nourished for Life. Because I've BTDT, I know the way out of the darkness.
I am honored to share my knowledge and gifts to support you in igniting or reigniting your desire for greater health, improved nutrition, personal growth and spiritual development. You can do this!
"Nicolette, you are such a beautiful soul, I feel so blessed to have met you because in all my years of reading books and going to regular therapy it was on the thinking/knowledge level only... so it's AMAZING to have you in person to make it REAL and help me connect to my long neglected body and spirit...You are a gifted spiritual guide as well as a fantastic nutritional guide and all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" - Diane T.
"Meeting with Nicolette was very insightful. She possesses a gentle, non judgmental spirit and our give and take sessions allowed me the space to disclose information about myself with complete confidence that it would go no further than those 4 walls. She is really gifted."
- Lisa D.
"Working with Nicolette has changed my relationship with food in ways I never knew were possible. Nicolette always makes you feel at ease and helps you sort out your personal truth. For years I spent all of my time anguishing about food and the role it played in my daily life. This is no longer my thought pattern. I feel so free!" - Sharon
"I wanted to let you know how amazing your program has been for me in healing my relationship with food. Your wisdom is always exactly what I need to hear at the right time. I love the spiritual part of your coaching because I now understand that it's all connected. I am so grateful for your all of your help! And I actually look forward to the homework!"
- Laura H.
"I had been looking for a program that incorporates a spiritual perspective. I know that my challenges were about more than just the food. I wanted to know WHY I am eating the way I do and WHY I haven't been able to succeed long term at any of the diets I've tried. I finally know why. This program has changed my life! Don't waste your time or money on more diets. When the student is ready the teacher will appear is so true for me! Nicolette will empower you to help you make connections that you've never made before. You have to value yourself enough to go for it!" - Heather M.
"This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! I have spent too much time worrying about food. I want to lose weight for good and learn to be happier with my body. Deepest gratitude for your insights and wisdom and walking me through this. I’ve never gotten this far before. Thank you for helping me I want you to know how very grateful I am."
- Cynthia V.
You know when you're ready to transform.... you don't have to suffer any longer.
Listen to that voice.
That is the first step towards peace and freedom with food. The next step is to align with someone that feels supportive. It's safe to ask for help. We don't have to figure everything out on our own.
Yes it can feel a little scary... you can still take one small step today.
Yes you can transform habits that you've had for a long time, I will show you how.
Yes you know when someone is a good match to support and guide you, listen to your intuition.
Yes YOU can do this too.
Current research in Neuroscience proves to us that we can purposefully alter the way our brains function. We can literally shed our old way of being and create a new and improved version of ourselves. There are techniques that we will use to get you to where you want to go.
The amazing part is that this process can be much easier than you are currently thinking that it can be! A health coach supports you every step of the way.
I support women who have been struggling for DECADES with binge eating, eating disorders, disordered eating, emotional eating and their transformation has been remarkable. They shift in profound ways... far beyond weight loss. Eating Disorder Therapy requires us to look at mind, body and soul. We can then heal through connecting to all parts of ourselves.
I've often been told that I'm their "last resort." They have tried everything.
And then they learn how to truly shed their old food/body/life story...
It's magical to witness and I am truly honored to be able to support my clients. It's what fuels me to keep doing what I'm doing.
Be in the energy of the people that inspire you.
I am with you and know what it feels like to not have peace and freedom with food and I know how amazing it feels to get to the other side of the struggle. It's yours if you deliberately choose.
Reconnect to the sacred intelligence within, turn back to the wisdom that you already have. This is how you will heal.
Disembodiment is the foundation for disordered eating.
Embodiment is the foundation for healing.
If you don't know what that means, it's ok. You will learn and it will change your life.
Things have a way of working out... I ask that you trust this process and trust that you have found yourself here for a reason. I know that you can do this!
In order to live our happiest, most fulfilled, healthy life, we must look towards our whole being…mind body and spirit. Our health and overall wellness depends on seeking and maintaining balance with all parts of ourselves, however it is a journey that often needs the support and guidance of others who can offer compassion and accountability.
So much of the current nutrition advice and dieting mentality focuses on “good” foods versus “bad” foods, controlling portions, restrictions, meal plans, etc.
Instead of using “will power” or control, you will learn how to easily and gently change your unwanted eating behaviors by what feels enhancing, pleasurable and nourishing. It's natural and innate...we just need to reconnect.
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